Studio 2TEN Massage

Effective, Affordable, Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork

Pregnancy Massage

Rates - Pregnancy Massage

60 minutes (individual sessions) $70/each; 

60 minutes (3+ sessions) $55/each

90 minutes (individual sessions) $100/each

90 minutes (3+ sessions) $75/each

Benefits of Massage During Pregnancy

  • Alleviate stress on weight-bearing joints and musculo-fascial structures
  • Assist in remedying many of the common discomforts experienced during pregnancy: muscular discomforts, lower-back pain, upper-back pain, leg cramps, sciatica, stiffness, tension and knots, carpal tunnel syndrome, headaches, heartburn and acid reflux, fatigue, varicose veins, nasal congestion, shortness of breath, edema of the lower extremities, neck pain, interscapular pain, sacroiliac and hip joint pain and constipation
  • Increase blood circulation, which provides more oxygen and nutrients to both mother and fetus and stimulates the lymph system, thereby increasing immunity and removal of toxins
  • Stabilize hormonal levels and helps relieve depression or anxiety caused by hormonal changes
  • Soothe and relax the nervous system by releasing endorphins into the mother’s body; as a result, the expectant mother feels more relaxed and at ease, and will also sleep more easily and more deeply
  • Assist in maintaining good posture and adjusting to a changing alignment caused by the baby’s increasing weight.
  • Ease the load on the heart and helps keep blood pressure in check
  • Enhance the pliability of skin and underlying tissues
  • Support the return of blood to the heart and increases blood flow to the uterus and placenta
  • Prepare the mother-to-be for an easier delivery with its sedating effect on the nervous system, promoting relaxation and stress relief
  • Offer a natural, safe, drug-free alternative choice for pain relief, since taking medications are often limited during a pregnancy for the sake of the unborn child 

What to Expect

You will be asked to complete an additional form when you arrive to your appointment to screen for possible contraindicications.  During the first trimester, your massage session will be similar to a non-pregnancy massage, although particular issues may be addressed by techniques not always utilized- such as acupressure or reflexology.  Massage during the first trimester must be very gentle.  During your second and third trimesters (or whenever it becomes uncomfortable to lay face down,) you will be in a side-lying position for your massage.  You will lay on both sides during your session, and/or in a semi-reclined position depending on your needs and levels of comfort.  Massage therapy during late pregnancy aims to relieve specific conditions, assist postural alignment, and induce relaxation. Abdominal massage is often a beneficial option during this period, if the client is comfortable.  

Benefits of Massage during the Post-Partum Period

  • Reestablish postural integrity and reduce pain
  • Assist in providing pain relief related to breastfeeding and common discomforts experienced in postpartum: muscular discomforts, lower-back pain, upper-back or neck pain associated with holding the baby, headaches, stiffness, tension and knots, interscapular pain, sacroiliac and hip joint pain 
  • Aid in emotional adjustment and help balance hormone levels, which in turn may impact a mother's feelings of anxiety or depression
  • Facilitate physical healing  and reduce swelling by easing sore muscles and helping to flush the body of any toxins that you may be retaining from your birth experience
  • Reduce fatigue, promote relaxation and assist with sleep by increasing in delta brain waves (those that accompany deep sleep)
  • Improve breastfeeding through increased circulation and increased milk production by escalating prolactin levels, (a lactation hormone) as well as relaxing the chest muscles/opening the shoulders and reducing breast pain
  • Ease discomfort from scar tissue and lessen it's appearance, in the case that a cesarean surgery was performed

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