Studio 2TEN Massage

Effective, Affordable, Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork

Fertility Massage

Fertility massage is a relaxing way to strengthen and support your body and mind in preparation for conception.

Benefits of Fertility Massage

  • reduction of cysts and adhesions as well as colon cleansing using castor oil packs and stomach massage
  • specific aromatherapy for optimal hormonal functioning
  • guided meditation and visualization techniques to assist in relaxation and positive thinking
  • jaw and TMJ release to open the mouth and the reflex areas of the hips & deep pelvis
  • pelvic friction to break up adhesions and increased circulation to the reproductive organs
  • reflexology for fertility to improve reproductive energy flow

What to Expect 

You will be asked to complete & submit a comprehensive consultation form prior to your initial appointment.  Prior to your first fertility treatment, we will spend a fair amount of time discussing your fertility journey thus far, your current physical and emotional state, and what the best treatment plan would be for your body and personal goals.  After your treatment, you will receive follow up support in the form of information on castor oil packs, yoni steams, menstrual charting and fertility lifestyle advice.  Each and every treatment that you receive will vary according to your unique situation.

Fertility Massage Through your Cycle

Menstruation (Natural & Assisted)

During menstruation, you can still receive fertility massage, however, the womb area is avoided. The primary focus at this time will be on the lumbar/sacral area, head & neck, and reproductive reflexology. Light abdominal massage may be used during this time to help relax the hips and body, and assist the body to let go and promote it's natural flow.

Pre-Ovulation & Ovulation (Natural & Assisted)

Once you have finished your period, your body's ovaries are working hard to produce mature follicles during the time leading up to ovulation. During this time your massage will target three main areas; lower back, digestive tract, and womb. By increasing circulation to your whole abdominal area, you are boosting the nutrients, oxygen and hormonal flow to your womb and ovaries.  Femoral massage may be utilized during this period. Your massage will leave you feeling nurtured yet vibrant; it will physically boost circulation and help your energy to peak.

Post Ovulation (natural) or Post Implantation (Assisted)

Once you have ovulated or had embryo transfer, there is a chance that you may be pregnant, and your treatment will be altered to reflect this.  You can still receive fertility massage, however, like with menstruation, we avoid the womb area. Plenty of focus is placed on the sacrum and upper abdomen to ensure as much circulation is being pumped to your wombs. In the post ovulatory phase as progesterone rises, our digestive system slows down due to a slower peristaltic action. Therefore, digestive massage will be of benefit during this time.  Other techniques such as reflexology, aromatherapy, and others may also be included depending on your individual case.  This time is generally the period for PMS, when we become less tolerant of mundane matters and maybe a little quicker to fly off the handle... it is also the “2 week wait”, and can be emotionally draining for many women. Fertility massage will help to alleviate stress, releasing happy hormones (such as Oxytocin) to help manage any feelings of stress or anxiety, while encouraging positivity, confident thinking, and relaxation.

 Contact Kari for more information or book your massage online now.


$115 Initial Consultation: Includes detailed intake/consultation, castor oil pack kit, self-massage education, & 90-minute fertility massage treatment

Follow Up Treatment

60 minutes (individual sessions) $80/each

90 minutes (individual sessions) $100/each

90 minutes (Package of 2 sessions between ovulation & menstruation of one cycle) $75/each

60 minutes (3+ sessions) $65/each